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English translation for "impedance signal"


Related Translations:
zener impedance:  齐纳阻抗
line impedance:  线路阻抗
optimum impedance:  最佳阻抗
impedance dialling:  阻抗拨号
lumped impedance:  集总阻抗
synchronous impedance:  同步阻抗
spur impedance:  寄生阻抗
bilateral impedance:  双向阻抗
impedance level:  阻抗大小阻抗位准
soil impedance:  土壤阻抗
Example Sentences:
1.The hardware is based on mpu . the circuits can magnify the weighting sensor signals , the - bioelectrical impedance signals , ecg signals and detect the qrs . there are the lcd and interface circuits
Similar Words:
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